Thursday, November 03, 2005


From wikipedia: The motto of Seville is "NO8DO". The "8" is shaped like a wool hank, in Spanish madeja. This makes the motto, as a rebus read "NO madeja DO" which is a pun on "no me ha dejado" = "it did not abandon me". This refers to the city's support for king Alphonse X in the war with his son Don Sancho in the 13th century. This motto is seen throughout Seville.

However, I think I'm funny... and what cracked me up about this picture is that "no me ha dejado" can also mean, 'you haven't left me'.... so in this case, 'you haven't left me churros'. For the most part, I think Antonio laughed at me, not with me. He does that sometimes... ;) It's all good though... it's all good.


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